
We make your investment in translation worth it

Quality at the best price

Experts in translation and multilingual solutions.

Translation covers a wide range of fields and disciplines and at Tridiom we offer our clients a solution for each of their company’s linguistic needs.

Traducciones TridiomLegal translation

Mainly texts and documents of a legal nature that require an understanding of legislation in both the source language and target language.
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Traducciones TridiomTechincal translation

We speak the same language. Properly used correct terminology enables us to create the highest quality technical texts and manuals.
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Traducciones TridiomAcademic translation

Revision and translation of research articles and information leaflets for prestigious international journals.
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Traducciones TridiomTranslating big projects

We make the difficult easy. Large projects require a coordinated team and special focus.
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Traducciones TridiomFinancial translation 

Economics is a vital part of every sector. However, only specialist translators and professionals can guarantee to provide the best quality work for this type of text.
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Traducciones TridiomAudiovisual translation

Technological development and innovation in this sector allows us to offer the highest quality in a shorter time period.
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Traducciones TridiomWebsite translation + SEO

Our message and way of conveying it. The most direct way of communicating with and having the biggest impact on our target audience.
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Traducciones TridiomMedical translation

Maximum reliability. Research and more than 20 years of extensive knowledge and experience have enabled us to achieve the quality standards required for this type of translation.
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Added value

We offer you the chance to get the most out of your projects by taking advantage of the great benefits offered by technological development.

Machine translation may be a good option for translating content that could not otherwise be translated, either due to time or budget restraints.

Tridiom can offer you advice and the use of its own internal resources to ensure that the content is understandable and the same quality as the original.

A human translator revises and corrects any mistakes in the machine translation to improve the quality and guarantee that the text reads fluently and can be understood perfectly.

We have the tools needed to quickly transcribe material in a short period of time.
We process as many video as audio files and write scripts so that clients can follow the transcription in time.

This is our translators’ favourite type of work.

It gives them the freedom to be creative based on a concept or idea. It is where we as translators can be creative again and give free rein to our writing skills. The goal is for the translated text to have the same impact as the original.

One step further than translation.

Localisation is fundamental for the original message to remain intact when read by the target audience, despite being in a different language. This is where Tridiom makes the most of innovation and technological development to create added value and guarantee excellent localisation work.

Investing in the future.

Designed especially for companies that have sent large volumes of documents for translation over the years to several suppliers, or even the same supplier, but have noticed that the traceability and terminological consistency of their translations is getting progressively worse.