Localisation and cultural adaptation | Update to multilingual website | Internationalisation | SEO segmentation | CMS-CRM translation | Localisation
If you need to translate your website or multimedia content, TRIDIOM translations has the right people to do so.
Companies are increasingly realising that users prefer to receive information in their own language and especially to buy things in their own language. Consequently, if you want to open up new market possibilities, you will need to adapt your website so that your target audience can read it in their own language.
Our team of native translators will ensure to translate your website into the languages you want and adjust it to match the specific viewpoint of each location. Adapting website content to suit different cultures is fundamental for a company or institution to reach their target audience. In this case, simply translating a website is not enough, you also need to understand the linguistic and cultural nuances of the country where the target language is spoken.
That is why it is important to know that a machine translation or too literal translation will not only make it difficult to communicate with your client but may even have a detrimental effect on your relationship with them.
Another key point to bear in mind when translating a website, blog or e-commerce platform is SEO translation.
Based on your search engine optimisation strategy, we can offer our SEO specialists who, together with our team of specialist translators, will take care of adapting your keywords to suit the language and culture of the target country, taking into account specific search trends and the positioning of your competitors.
When translating website content, we apply the techniques needed to guarantee optimisation and, if you would like them to, you can even count on our team to manage your international Social Media network.
If you are thinking about translating your website into another or several different languages, call us on (+34) 91 523 02 58. We would be very happy to provide you with all the information you need and can guide and help you with your translation project. You can also request a no-obligation quote by filling in the form on the left-hand side of this page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
En TRIDIOM sabemos que la traducción, localización e internacionalización de software es un ámbito que requiere un excelente dominio de la terminología empleada en la industria informática. Sus trabajos de traducción de software recibirán en TRIDIOM el trato que merecen y el resultado será de la máxima calidad: desde un exhaustivo proceso de planificación del proyecto, hasta un sumo cuidado del aspecto técnico y por supuesto, una traducción impecable y perfectamente adaptada a la cultura e idioma locales.
En nuestra sociedad actual, en la que el uso de las aplicaciones móviles en nuestra vida diaria crece por momentos, la traducción y localización es indispensable para el éxito de las empresas de desarrollo de apps. El mercado de desarrollo de aplicaciones es ultracompetitivo y apasionante, y ha hecho que empresas logren ingresos millonarios con sus diferentes juegos y aplicaciones. Dichas empresas han sabido despuntar gracias a internacionalizar su aplicación y de esta manera multiplicar las posibilidades de éxito. Por tanto, han sabido multiplicar también las posibilidades de tener un modelo de monetización efectivo.